the fun side

a little blog about video games and art.


meep meep meep meep

Spooky Month Recs

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As you've probably noticed, it's 👻 spooky month 👻, y'all!!

I love October. I'm not sure why, but it always seems to be a busy month. It's host to some of my favorite online events of the year (in no particular order):

In addition to all of that, it's just fun to cozy up in a blanket in a dark room and read or watch or play something spooky, so here are a few recommendations for spooky stuff I've enjoyed this year:

A lot of things are happening in October! It's a busy busy month. I had kinda been struggling to find something interesting to write about, thinking that I'd try to write at least one blog post a week, and then October hit and now there's too much stuff to talk about. Haha

The poster for this year's Shortbox Comics Fair. Two figures--one elder and one younger--stand in a desert at the foot of a crumbled wall painted like the panels of a comic. Below the image reads: Shortbox Comics Fair 2024. The innovative all-digital comics convention. October 1st-31st

Shortbox Comics Fair 2024 is here! It's one of my favorite comic events of the year (aside from my beloved SPX), and runs from October 1st-31st. It's a curated event which debuts of over 100 new comics every year. (There are 117 this year! Wow!) It's run by just one person--which is kind of amazing--and is full to the brim with talent.

The comics featured vary in style, genre, and length. There are mysteries, ghost stories, slice of life, romance, trans-humanist stories, 16 page reads, 200 page epics, wordless comics, and much much more! Basically anything you could think of. There's a particular showing of "what if i was a robot and fell in love" and "what if i fell in love with a robot" or "what if a robot fell in love with me" themed stories this year, which I think is interesting.

As usual, there are far more comics that I want to read than I have money to buy. Hopefully, by the end of October, I'll have saved up enough pocket change to return and grab a few more.

Anyways, if you're into comics (or even if you're not) go give it a look! You'll probably find something cool and interesting!

Also, looking at all of those comics has really excited my comics brain and I almost immediately ran to start writing a short one. So maybe? Expect that? In the future??? Or something... If it doesn't happen in the next year, just give me a nudge.

Anatomy of a funwalker

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"What is a fun blog," I hear nobody ask.

Yes. Thank you for noticing. The original intent actually has nothing to do with actual english language concept of "fun," but we can all pretend it does.

Funwalker is my social media handle everywhere that I can get away with it. It's my very clever way of not having to fight 6 other people on the internet for the coveted "funambulist" handle.

You see, it all started long ago, when I was a wee Sydney...

Welcome, Welcome

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Make yourselves at home.

Earlier this month, cohost announced that it would be shuttered by the end of the year. It was a pretty small little place as far as "social media" is concerned, but I had a good time with it. It was kind of nice having such a niche little community.

I'm not really expecting to gain any semblance of "community" around this little blog, but I thought I'd start posting some longform content here and turn it into a more frequently updated space. Else, what am I paying for? I'm sure the spiders that have taken up residence in my server space have no problem with me leaving this little site forgotten (and I won't evict them--I do love spiders after all), but I'm just going to dust off a little corner just for me.

I've resolved to post more often on my tumblr as well, and it will likely be a lot of the same content, so if you would rather read these on some sort of "dashboard" you can get a similar experience over there.

Subject-wise, I'll probably keep this mostly down to the subjects of:
(click for a little dropdown with more info)

ArtOf course, I'll probably be posting about art. How can I not? I've actually been working a lot on more traditional art lately (sculpting and block printing), so maybe I'll talk a bit about that.
Video GamesI've been learning Godot for the past few years and finally released a little game called [Zoo-ika]( with my friend Maya Kern back in August. I'm also trying hard to get another little game finished by sometime next year (also more details for that on my [itch]( as well). In addition, I'm a big nerd who just plays a lot of video games. I post occasional thoughts about them on my tumblr and twitter, but I might write some more thoughtful, longform posts about them here (and tumblr).
My Store...I know it's been closed for a long time. I haven't gone to a convention in nearly five years now and the pandemic really just killed my will to keep it open, but I have been working on some new stuff mostly for fun. If I re-open it, I may do it in "drops" rather than an always-open storefront, since it's kind of a pain to deal with during my regular routine. Maybe I should just make a dedicated post about that unto itself... I have many thoughts.

Aaaanyways... We'll see how long this lasts. lol
Stay fresh. me holding out my raw beating heart to you, but like, in a cute way.