the fun side

a little blog about video games and art.

"Finish Your Game" Jam 2024

- Posted in Game Dev by

As some of you may know, I started working on a little game last year [tentatively] called Nana Soup.

The cover for Nana Soup. A round pot of soup with carrots, potatoes, a large leek, and the head of a fish. It sits on a pale green background. Fire laps at the bottom of the pot. 'Nana' is written above in a bold font in an arch, mimicking the rounded edge of the soup pot. 'Soup' is written on the side of the soup pot in the same bold font. The cover I made for Nana Soup last year. Unfortunately, it may have to change if I decide to change the title...

It actually started out as the prototype for a really ambitious project I've called Anachronic (working title), but when "Finish Your Game" Jam (FYGJ) came around last year, I thought I'd simplify the concept and make a much shorter game. I thought I'd do that, and yet here we are. lol

A spread of sketch pages. On the left are diagrams and notes about ideas for game mechanics, a small drawing of Eurie running, a little sketch of him wearing a flower crown in the bottom left corner, and a slightly larger half-body sketch of Eurie with a flower tucked behind his ear. On the right side is a reference page containing: call outs of items Eurie has on his person including a small embroidered pouch, a round tiger's eye marble labled 'A god's eye,' some ideas for woven bracelets or anklets, two small full body call outs (one facing towards and one away form the camera), and a large simplified full body sketch of Eurie. He is a lithe, effeminate man with long hair pulled into that side ponytail that anime moms tend to have. His bangs fall over the eye to the far side of his face and he has a contemplative, nonplussed expression. He wears a long shawl or poncho of sorts over a tunic, high-waisted belt, and long pants.A sketch page with a bunch of notes interlaced throughout. A diagram of Sandra's prosthetic hand. A sketch of her princess carrying Eurie. A full body sketch of Sandra. She's rather buff. Her arms are bare, showing off the scars that trace the left side of her body all the way from her eye down to her prosthetic hand. She stands with her hands on her hips and a nonplussed expression. There are call outs for various items she owns: a saw, a mallet, an axe, a tin of salve for her stump.

In my original concept, Eurie and his shop assistant/romantic partner, Sandra, have to work together and save the little village that they live in.

The original concept is a... well, frankly it's a bit of a mess conceptually. My idea was a time loop game in the vein of something like Majora's Mask, where there's a real-time ticking clock, but for various reasons, I wanted to encourage the player to slow down and take their time. Smell the roses a bit. Play around. Accept your limitations. You'll get it on the next loop, champ.

My initial idea was to incorporate shop sim elements and cozy crafting mini games into it, but that might be a thing that I have to break into two separate games. I wonder if it would just be frustrating to have those kinds of mechanics in a game with time pressure, or if people would even ignore that side of it altogether... But I'll figure that out when I get to it. Haha. My other thought was just to include some sort of endless shop sim mode where you can take your time and manage your shop and not have to worry about the imminent end of the world.

Nana Soup is the pared down version of that, which I worked on for FYGJ2023. It's basically a shop sim with a ticking clock but turn-based instead of real-time. Time only moves when you do an action. Each action takes a set amount of time. Forage for ingredients. Go shopping in town. Open your apothecary. Craft. Cook.

The image is of map screen. Pale ground gives way to green blotches mimicking grass and trees. In the top and bottom right hand corners, a greyish-purple bleeds in. In the center sits a dark indigo symbol denoting the location of Eurie's apothecary. A red chevron sits above it, marking it as the player's current location. Radiating out from it are long, straight, red lines that turn at sharp, 90 degree angles, connecting the house to various destinations marked on the map with white diamonds. In the top left corner, a timer reads 'One Hour.' In the bottom left, an information box reads: 'Apothecary. Eurie's home. A small shop that acts as a pharmacy for this side of the mountain.' An overlay reads: 'Every morning, Eurie goes out to forage for ingredients.' The player has to figure out how much time they have and where to spend it foraging or shopping in town before opening your shop every day.

My original idea was just to make a short, 3-day story as a proof of concept, but in the time I allotted for it during the jam--even working on it for about 1-2 hours every day--I had barely written enough interactions for one in-game day of content. It turns out that writing is hard. Haha.

Young Eurie hair ideas for Nana Soup. Four proposed hair styles. 1. Long, down, the sides mostly swept behind his ears. It reaches to his shoulder. 2. Similar but a bit shorter and with two braids that hang on each side behind his shoulder. I don't know what I was thinking with that one. 3. Mostly down but with a single dutch braid sweeping from the center of his forehead to the side and behind his ear. 4. Pulled back into a low pony tail with a bottom layer still hanging over his shoulders. I'm sorry. I don't know how to describe hairstyles... Nana Soup takes place before Anachronic, so Eurie is a bit younger and still living with his grandmother -- the titular "Nana" as it were.

Working at about half that pace, I'd estimated that I could finish the full game (consisting of a week rather than 3 days) by March 2024, but as we can all see, that didn't happen. 🙄 I ended up making Zoo-ika with my friend instead (which I think came out pretty good and you should go play it). By the time I got around to working on Nana Soup again, I began to dream of new and exciting mechanics... which is dangerous in gamedev. The dreaded scope bloat.

I spent a couple weeks picking away at that stuff about two months ago. I think the stuff I've added will be fun, but also, maybe probably completely unnecessary. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's also increased the amount of art that I need to make by like 3x. lol. help. Maybe I'll cut it, maybe I'll keep it. I'll try to decide before FYGJ2024 rolls around so I can make a real battle plan and actually release a playable thing this time around.

Anyways, I've got a lot of work to do in the mean time, so I might be pretty quiet until then. See y'all in November!

Stay Fresh!

Have some original concept art of Eurie from early last year.
